Press release • April 2024
Here are the winners of Aarhus Art Prize 2024
Here are the winners of Aarhus Art Prize 2024
Photo: Martin Thomas Ford
Press release • April 2024
Photo: Martin Thomas Ford
Every year since 2018, cultural institutions in Aarhus have awarded the Aarhus Art Prize to honour young talents in Aarhus.
”It is a pleasure to award the Aarhus Art Prize again this year and to honour new Aarhus artists. It is important for ARoS to contribute to the strong partnership across the city's art and cultural institutions and to evoke courage, hope, and perspective among talented artists of the future,” says museum director of ARoS Rebecca Matthews.
This year, the Talent Prize was shared between two graduate students from the Jutland Art Academy, Benjamin Asger Krog Møller and Naja Zethner. The Solo Prize was awarded to Tora Schultz.
About Talent Award winners Benjamin Asger Krog Møller and Naja Zethner, the jury says:
”One of the things art can do is to make us wonder. Our senses are tantalised, our imagination challenged. This is also the case with Naja Zethner and Benjamin Asger Krog Møller's compelling work, which has now been awarded the Aarhus Art Prize, the Talent Prize.”
About the winner of the Solo Prize, Tora Schultz, the jury says:
”Tora Schultz takes us into a story, lifting us from Aarhus and out into the world with her art. Not only because she currently lives and works in New York, where she has a residency at ISCP, The International Studio & Curatorial Programme, but also because she gives us a new perspective on something we thought we knew. In this way, she bridges the gap between everyday life and the art world, opening a door that we don't need a key to, because there is an immediate and straightforward quality in her artworks.”
The Aarhus Art Prize has been awarded since 2018 by Kunsthal Aarhus, ARoS, and Godsbanen. The award aims at supporting artistic growth, retain artistic talent, and strengthen Aarhus as a vibrant cultural city.
Since 2023, both the Talent Prize and the Solo Prize have been awarded and is now also supported by Aarhus Billedkunstcenter and Jyllands-Posten.
The Talent Prize is awarded to a graduating student from the Jutland Art Academy whose graduation project has remarkably distinguished itself. The awarded project will be exhibited at Kunsthal Aarhus and the talent is awarded a grant of DKK 30,000.
The Solo Prize is awarded to a graduate from one of the Danish art academies (or a similar institution) who, within five years after graduation, has made a special impression on Aarhus. The award consists of a grant of DKK 30,000 together with a year’s collaboration with the institutions involved. The collaboration is to be organized between the winner and the institutions after the award show and includes a solo exhibition at Kunsthal Aarhus in 2025.
Aarhus Art Prize is supported by the Salling Foundations.
For further information, please contact:
ARoS Press and Communication
+ 45 61 90 49 42