Lending from the ARoS Collection

Lending from the ARoS Collection

ARoS can lend works from the collection to museums and exhibition spaces for exhibitions, where safety and climate meet ARoS’ demands and where the required professional know-how and resources are present. ARoS does not lend its collection to individuals.

To loan from the ARoS Collection one must send an application containing:
- A facility report of the exhibition space.
- A written application with: The title of the work(s), artist(s), year(s) of production and inventory number(s). A description of the exhibition with exhibition dates, exhibition concept, and elaboration of the artistic aims. A description of the motivation for lending the specific work(s) from ARoS. A facility report of the exhibition space.

ARoS can ask to receive climate readings from the exhibition space.

ARoS must receive the loan application six months prior the opening of the exhibition. Upon entering the loan agreement, ARoS has an administration fee of 160 euros + 80 euros for every work in addition to the first that is part of the finished loan agreement. The fee covers expenses for art handling and preparation of condition reports.

For loan inquiries or questions relating to the ARoS Collection, please contact registrar Oskar Mydtskov via mail on osmy@aros.dk.