Stine Goya

Stine Goya

Stine Goya, designer

. I have always been fascinated by how he turns something as immaterial as light into a tangible experience

James Turrell: Milkrun III, 2002

"If I had to point to a single main source of inspiration and driving force behind my work as a designer, it would be colour. I like to examine the presence of colour, its beauty, its being, at times even its violence – and how it resonates in us. For some people, colour can be harsh, sharp and have edges, but for me it is tender, soft and yielding, like a form of meditation, like James Turrell’s immersive light installations. I have always been fascinated by how he turns something as immaterial as light into a tangible experience. How he transforms space into a mass of light that envelops our body and floods our minds with colour; how he creates a space which facilitates the release of emotions and a poignant, sensuous presence.

Turrell once said, ‘We think we receive all that we perceive, but in fact, we actually give the sky its colour’. By filling in the blanks – and the empty space – with their own associations, the observers inside Turrell’s skyspaces colour the sky themselves. Colour is a universal, yet also very personal thing. It is a world of emotions and a tool for listening to our true selves. That’s why I try to surround myself with as much colour as possible in my work, in my life and in my attire. Like art, colour can heal the world in those places where it has suffered its greatest wounds.

The work is on display at level 0.

Portrait: Rasmus Weng Karlsen

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